Under the direction of James Gill the Manhattan Beach Pioneers have formed to acknowledge special members under the umbrella of the Manhattan Beach Historical Society. Three new categories of membership have been adopted.
“Pioneer” is a 50+ year resident of Manhattan Beach, past or present. Must show addresses and years of residency. “Associate Pioneer” a 30-50 year resident of Manhattan Beach, past or present. Must show addresses and years of residency. “Sons and Daughters of Pioneer” a direct descendant of a Pioneer. Must show addresses and years of Pioneer’s residency.
The purpose is to share and preserve our city’s history, foster fellowship, and create more awareness of the Historical Society.
Separate bi-annual meetings for Pioneers will be held to congregate and share stories. A small discount to the General Membership annual dues serves as a special offering to new Pioneer members of the Society. Please fill out a Current Membership Application -- and be sure to complete the second page to provide residency information and secure your Pioneer status.
For more information contact James Gill at JamesRGill@aol.com